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How to make felt gnome and elf ornaments – DIY Tutorial

Felt gnome elft ornament DIY

Check out our tutorial and learn how to make adorable little felt gnome ornaments. You can use the ornaments to decorate your house for the Holidays or proudly display them anytime of the year.

Materials needed: 

To make one felt gnome ornament, you will need:

– A little piece of felt for the hat (about 3″x4″).
– A little piece of pipe cleaner for the beard and a full strand of pipe cleaner for the body.
– A small, 15mm spun cotton ball for the gnome’s head
– A little piece of string for the hanging loop.
– A pair of wire cutters and a pair of pliers.
– A pair of good scissors.
– Needle and thread (or a sewing machine if you have one).
– A black ball pen to draw the face.
– A small piece of cardboard to make the hat template.

Step by step directions: 

1. Prepare the felt hat

1. Start with the hat template. On a piece of cardboard, draw an 8″ diameter circle and cut out a pie wedge about 45º. When done, cut off the tip as in the picture below.

2. Outline your template on a piece of felt and cut along the outline. You now have a felt cone.

3. Prepare a hanging loop: make a loop with a piece of string and tie a knot. Trim the excess.

4. Place the string loop onto the felt cone and make sure the knotted end sticks out from the top.

5. Fold your felt cone onto it self and sew the two edges together with very short stitches (important).

6. Turn the hat inside out. You can use a pencil or a bamboo skewer to help. If you have done everything right, the knot is now in the hat.

2. Work on the face and the beard

1. With a pair of scissors cut the bottom of the hat at a beveled angle. To find out where to cut, insert a ball in the hat. The point where the ball cannot be pushed down anymore is where the hat needs to be cut.

2. Wrap the ball with the piece of pipe cleaner. Twist the pipe cleaner a few times to lock the ball into place. When you are done, gather the two strands together.

3. Pour a generous amount of glue in the hat and insert the ball into the hat. Make sure the two strands of pipe cleaner make contact with the glue.

4. Draw the eyes and the mouth of the gnome with the ball pen. You could display the gnomes as is or continue with the next step and add a pipe cleaner body.

3. Add a pipe cleaner body.

To fashion the pipe cleaner body, you can check out our tutorial „how to make pipe cleaner animals„.

felt pipe cleaner gnome ornament house decor craft ideas

You are done :)

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and I hope you are motivated to get started with your own felt gnome ornaments. Happy crafting and as always, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to get in touch.

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How to make Halloween Ghost Ornaments – Spooky DIY Crafts

Halloween ghost ornaments DIY

In this tutorial, learn how to make spooky little ghost ornaments that you can hang anywhere around the house for Halloween.

Ghost ornaments – Materials

  • Your choice of spun cotton balls or spun cotton eggs. I used 45 mm spun cotton balls for the pillowcases and crepe streamer ghosts and a 60mm tall spun cotton egg for the cheese cloth ghost ornament.
  • Depending on which ghost(s) you want to make, your choice of white fabric (old T-shirt, old pillow case), cheesecloth, or crepe streamer.
  • Black marker and pencil.
  • Mod podge or similar.
  • A few feet of fishing line.
  • A glue gun or some regular white craft glue.
  • A good pair of scissors.
  • A rubber band (for the cheesecloth ghost).

Step by step directions

The first 2 steps are the identical for the three projects.

  1. Insert one end of the fishing line in the spun cotton shape holes and pour hot glue. You could also use regular white craft glue but it would take much longer to dry.
  2. Draw a spooky ghost face onto the shapes with the black marker.
homemade ghost monster skull ornament tutorial DIY

Halloween Pillowcase Ghost Ornament

Pillowcase ghost ornament Halloween DIY craft ideas tutorial
  1. Make a tiny hole in the corner of an old pillowcase and thread the fishing line through until the pillowcase covers the ball.
  2. Cut the pillowcase to the desired length.
  3. Make two holes in the fabric for the eyes. To do so, mark the location of the eyes on the pillowcase with a pencil, remove the pillowcase completely and cut two little holes with a pair of scissors.
  4. Before putting the pillowcase back on the ball, brush a little mod podge over the ball, put the pillowcase back on and make sure the eyes are aligned with the holes. Let dry.
  5. Style the bottom of the the pillowcase by cutting off long triangle pieces.

Cheese Cloth Ghost Ornament

Cheesecloth ghost craft ideas Halloween ornaments
  1. Cut the cheesecloth into two 2 ft x 1 ft rectangles. Cover the ball with the cheesecloth pieces and wrap a rubber band around the ball to keep the cheesecloth in place. The fishing line goes through the middle of each piece of cheesecloth. Brush mod podge over the cheesecloth pieces. When dry, remove the rubber band.
  2. Style the bottom of  the cheesecloth by cutting off long triangle pieces.
  3. If the eyes don’t show through the cheesecloth (because they are covered with mod podge), you can re-draw them with the black marker over the cheesecloth

Crepe Streamer Ghost Ornament

crepe streamers ghost ornament Halloween craft ideas
  1. Cut 6 stripes of crepe paper, about 2 feet long. Make a tiny hole in the center of each of them for the fishing line to go through.
  2. Brush a little mod podge on the top half of the ghost’s head. Slide a stripe of crepe streamer down the line until it sits on the ghost head.  Brush a little mod podge over the piece of crepe streamer.  Repeat with the 5 other pieces.  Make sure each piece sits at a different angle.
  3. Re-draw the mouth and eyes with the black marker over the crepe streamer pieces.
  4. Style the bottom of the crepe streamers by cutting off long triangle pieces.

You are done :) I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and as always if you would like to share your ideas or ask questions, do not hesitate to use the comment section below. Happy crafting and Happy Halloween!

A few more Halloween Craft Ideas.

For these projects, we used blank spun cotton peg doll  shapes.

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How to make Green Alien Ornaments – Halloween DIY crafts:

Halloween alien ornaments DIY

Check out our tutorial and learn how you can make spooky and slimy alien ornaments from spun cotton peg doll blanks.

List of materials:

– 40mm tall spun cotton peg dolls. Each peg doll will make one alien ornament.

Peg dolls all have a little hole at the bottom

– Green and black acrylic paint.

– A few bamboo sticks.

– A jar of glossy mod podge for the slimy look.

– Your choice of string to make the hanging loop.

Project directions:

Step 1: Insert a skewer in each of your peg dolls and paint them all green. Rest the skewers in a container while the dolls dry.

Step 2: Use the black paint and paint the eyes of the alien ornaments. Let dry. Make sure the ornaments don’t touch each other while they dry.

Step 3: keep your alien ornaments on their sticks and dunk them in the jar of glossy mod podge. Then find a place where you can rest the sticks in a perfectly vertical position while the mod podge dries. You can tape them to the edge of a counter for example (see picture below).

Step 4: Gently pull the sticks out of the alien ornaments by twisting and pulling.

Step 5: Tie a loop with a piece of string. Double the knot to enlarge it.

Step 6: insert the knot in the peg doll’s hole and push down with a bamboo skewer. Pour a little glue to secure the knot in the alien ornament. Let dry.


I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. You can also decorate your alien ornaments a little if you would like. Happy Crafting to all of you!

It’s wedding night at Area 51

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How to make farm animal toppers with Witch Hats – DIY Halloween Crafts

Halloween cupcake toppers DIY project idea

Check out our tutorial and learn how to make these cute little farm animal cupcake toppers all dressed up with spooky witch hats.

1. Make the farm animal toppers.

All the steps and materials to make the toppers are detailed in our previous tutorial: how to make farm animal cupcake toppers.

2. Make the witch hats.

You will only need a few materials:

  • black felt
  • a pair of scissors
  • a tube of white tacky glue.
  • binder clips.

Step 1: Start with the top part of the hat (the cone). Cut out a „quarter pie“ shape in a piece of felt. It doesn’t have to be perfect as witch hats are never perfect anyway.

Step 2: Pour a bead of glue along the edge of your cutout.

Step 3: Roll your quarter pie shape into a cone. Use two binder clips to hold the seam shut for 5-10 minutes (until the glue is dry).

Step 4: In a different piece of felt, cut out a doughnut shape. The center hole of the doughnut needs to be slightly smaller than the base of the cone. Then cut out 2 holes in your doughnut to accommodate the ears.

Step 5: Position the felt doughnut on your farm animal topper head.

Step 6: Pour a bead of glue around the inner rim of the doughnut.

Step 7: Gently cover the doughnut with the cone. Let the glue dry until it becomes transparent.


I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and that you found some inspiration. As always, do not hesitate to ask your questions in the comment section below. Happy crafting and Happy Halloween!

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How to make a lightweight paper bead necklace – Jewelry Craft DIY

paper bead necklace DIY

Check out our tutorial and learn how you can make a lightweight and comfortable paper bead necklace from ø 15 mm spun cotton balls.

Paper Bead Necklace – project materials

– ø 15 mm Spun cotton balls.

– Strong black thread and a needle.

– Acrylic Paint and a paint brush.

– Two pairs of pliers.

– A clasp mechanism such as the one pictured below:

Step by step tutorial

Step 1: Paint all the beads.

The beads are easier to paint if you mount them on sticks, toothpicks and bamboo skewers work great.

Step 2: Prepare your necklace line.

Make the line at least 6 inches longer than the desired length of your necklace because the knots will shorten the line and also because you need enough thread at the end to tie your last knot comfortably.

Double our quadruple your line to make it stronger.

Your line should look like the one in the picture below. Notice there are two knots on one side.

Cut off the excess thread.

Step 3: Thread the first bead.

Insert the needle into the pre-existing hole, and exit on the other side. Slide the ball until it covers knot #2 and tie a third knot just next to it.

Step 4: Thread the other beads.

For tall the other beads, insert the needle from the opposite end and exit from the pre-existing hole (like in the picture below). After each bead, tie a new knot to secure them into place.

paper bead necklace DIY

Step 5: The last bead.

When you thread your last bead, you should be left with at least 3 to 4 “ of line. At this point, cut the end of the loop to free up your needle and create a new loop by tying a new knot just next to the last bead. Trim the excess thread.

Step 6: Attach the clasp.

With two pairs of pliers, one in each hand, open the clasp rings and attach them to the thread loops. Close up the clasp rings.


paper bead necklace designs

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and as always, do not hesitate to comment below if you have any questions. For more DIY necklace projects, you can also check out our other tutorial : how to make a fabric covered bead necklace.

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How to make Farm Animal Cupcake Toppers

farm animal cupcake toppers DIY cake pops

Follow our simple tutorial and learn how you can make these farm animal cupcake toppers from ø 30mm spun cotton balls.

Farm Animal Cupcake Toppers – Materials

– ø 30 mm Spun cotton balls

– Paint. Any paint that works on paper will also work on spun cotton balls. We used regular acrylic paint.

– White card stock paper

– Brushes, toothpicks (or bamboo skewers), tacky glue, a pencil, and a cotton ball for the sheep’s hair doe.

Step by step tutorial directions

1- Begin with painting the balls with solid colors. It’s easier to paint them on a stick. It also makes resting them while they dry very convenient.

2- Paint your card stock paper on both sides. Once dry, cut out the ears, snouts, beaks and rooster comb.

3- Glue the ears, snouts, beaks and rooster comb to their respective animal heads.

4- Once the glue is dry, pencil the location of the eyes and dab with black paint (we used a wood skewer dipped in black paint).

5- Add the last details: paint the sheep snout and give him a little cotton hair doe, paint the ears an nostrils.

You are done :)

We hope you have fun and as usual don’t hesitate to send us your questions. Happy crafting!

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How to make a Spun Cotton Easter Bunny Figurine – DIY Easter Crafts

spun cotton easter bunny figurine DIY

Check out our detailed, step by step tutorial and learn how you can make a Spun Cotton Easter Bunny figurine from spun cotton shapes.

Spun Cotton Easter Bunny Figurine – DIY Project Materials:

  • One 45mm (1 – 3/4 inches) Spun Cotton Ball for the body.
  • Two 15mm (19/32 inch) Spun Cotton Balls for the two paws.
  • One 36mm Spun Cotton Egg for the head. You could also use a 38mm egg, a 40mm egg, or even a 30mm ball. Each style egg has a different style (more pointy, or more round)
  • Craft acrylic paint (grey, red, and white).
  • Paint brushes: one large one, one thin one.
  • A glue gun or white tacky glue.
  • A small piece of paper, about 2″ x 5″, for the ears.
  • A thin black marker to draw the eyes and the mouth.
  • A pencil to outline.
  • A good pair of scissors.
Easter bunny crafts materials

Optional materials:

  • A little piece of cardboard to build a pedestal for the bunny so it can stand on its own. I used cardboard from the flap of a shipping box. A drink coaster or a cereal box would work too.
  • A few bamboo skewers. They are handy to paint the shapes and let them dry.

Step by Step Directions:

STEP 1: body painting

With the gray paint, paint the large ball, the egg, and a small 2-inch long portion of the piece of paper (on the two sides). Rest everything in a cup or a jar to let the paint dry.

With the white paint, paint the top of the little piece of cardboard.

STEP 2: Outline the facial features, the ears, and the pedestal

When the paint is dry, use a pencil or a thin black marker to:

– Outline the ears on the piece of paper. Draw them about 2 inches long and 3/4 inch wide (at the widest point).

– Outline the face of the bunny on the spun cotton egg: the eyes, the nose, and the mouth.

– Draw a circle on the piece of cardboard. You can use a glass or a cup as a guide.

STEP 3: Precision painting

Mix red and white paint to make pink and paint the nose and the inside part of the ears. Let dry.

STEP 4: Cut out the different elements

With a good pair of scissors, cut out the pedestal in the cardboard and cut out the ears in the paper

STEP 5: Glue all the pieces together.

I use a healthy amount of glue to make sure the figurine is sturdy. The glue marks can then be hidden by painting over them.

To give your figurine a little bit of character, bend the ears slightly forward. 

Congratulations you are done :) I hope you enjoyed this craft and I hope it inspired you. You can also experiment with different colors and different shape combinations. For example in the picture below, I used 30mm spun cotton balls for the bunny heads.

As usual, do not hesitate to send us your questions. Happy Crafting!

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How to make Christmas ball ornaments from spun cotton balls – DIY Holiday Crafts

homemade painted christmas ornaments

Check out our tutorial and learn how you can make your own hanging Christmas ball ornaments from spun cotton balls.

DIY Christmas Ball Ornaments – project materials:

  • ø 45 mm Spun cotton balls (or larger). Spun cotton balls are lightweight and shatterproof.
  • Acrylic Paint and brushes.
  • Decorative string or ribbon.
  • Glue gun and white tacky glue
  • Scissors
  • Optional and to your liking: glitter, gem, sequin, trims, Dresden …
blank christmas balls
ø 45 mm spun cotton balls

Step by step directions

Start with the paint

Paint the spun cotton balls with one solid color. They will be dry to the touch in less than 20 minutes.

Continue with some glitter

Glue some glitter on. The best way to glue glitter is to brush a little bit of white tacky glue on your ornament, sprinkle the glitter on, and tap the ornament to loosen off the excess glitter. The tacky glue will dry to a clear finish and the glitter will be solidly attached.

Add more decorations

With tacky glue, you can glue on ribbons, trimming, Dresden, Sequins, decorative gems, and more. You can also use a glue gun to work faster but the finish won’t be as nice because the glue gun will leave glue marks.

Add a hanging loop to your ornaments.

There are several technique that you could use here.

  1. Make a hanging loop out of decorative string or ribbon, and wrap the string all around the ornament.
  2. Make a hanging loop out of small gauge metal wire (picture on the left) or buy one already made (picture on the right). Pour a little glue in the spun cotton ball hole and insert the metal hanging loop.

You are done :) I hope that you enjoyed this tutorial and as usual, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to leave a comment. Happy Crafting!

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How to make Spooky Halloween Figurines from spun cotton figurine blanks – DIY Tutorial

Spooky Halloween figurines DIY tutorial

Check out our easy tutorial and learn how to make your own Spooky Halloween Figurines from blank, ready to paint spun cotton figurines.

Halloween figurines DIY – materials

  • A pencil to outline.
  • A clear finish such as mod podge. It will protect your Halloween figurines for a long time.
  • A few wooden picks to hold your figurines while you paint them.
  • A black ball pen to draw lines an face details.

Painting tips and directions

Always outline your Halloween figurines with a pencil before painting with acrylic. If you are not happy with the outline, just use a regular eraser and start over.

Never rush. Let the paint dry before painting over it.

You can work on 2 projects at a time so you can paint one figurine while the other one dries.

Spun cotton figurine blanks do not require two coats of paint. There is also no need to prime them.

Use a ball-pen to draw lines instead of trying to paint them with a brush. For example, we used a regular ball pen to draw the mouth line of the scary clown figurine below.

You are now ready to paint your own Halloween figurines :) But as always, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to leave a comment below and we’ll be happy to help. Happy Halloween and happy painting! 

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How to make a lamb figurine – DIY Easter Craft

Spun cotton ornament lamb sheep

Check out our tutorial and learn how to make a lamb figurine from a spun cotton figurine blank.

Lamb Figurine DIY – Materials

  • White, pink, and black acrylic paint.
  • A bamboo stick.
  • A small piece of white paper to cut the ears into.
  • A pair of scissors.
  • A hot glue gun.
  • A paint brush.
  • A pencil to outline the eyes before painting them.


  • Step 1: Paint the two sides of the little piece of paper white. This will be the ears.
  • Step 2: Insert the bamboo stick into the bottom of the shape. Hold your doll with the stick and paint it white.
  • Step 3: when the piece of paper is dry, draw ears and cut them with the scissors. Paint the inside of the ears with the pink paint.
  • Step 4: glue the ears onto the blank doll. Make sure to have them stick out from the sides,
  • Step 5: Pencil the location of the eyes, then dip the pointy end of the wood stick into the black paint and dab the eyes.

FINISHING TOUCHES: Paint the glue marks around the ears. You can also add more paint between the ears to look like hair. Texture the paint with the wood stick.

You are done :) I hope you enjoyed this simple tutorial and as always, do not hesitate to use the comments field below to send us your questions.

Happy Crafting!

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How to make a nutcracker figurine with spun cotton balls – DIY Christmas Crafts

Nutcracker DIY christmas craft idea ornament

Check out our easy tutorial and learn how you can make your own Christmas Nutcracker figurine with just a few spun cotton balls.

Nutcracker Figurine – project materials

  • Spun cotton balls : a 45mm ball for the body, a 30mm ball for the head, and two 15mm balls for the hands.
  • Red and blue acrylic paint, a black marker, and a gold paint pen.
  • A black ball pen, a wine cork, a bamboo skewer (or tooth pick).
  • Glue (glue gun or tacky glue).
  • A small piece of cardboard or foam pad for the pedestal.
  • A pair of scissors.

Step by step directions

  • Paint the largest ball and the wine cork red. You can use the wooden pick to hold the ball while you paint it.
  • While the paint dries, draw the face on the medium size ball with the ball pen.
  • When the red paint is dry, use the black marker to draw the shirt and the belt.
  • Use the gold paint pen to draw the buttons, and the trim at the bottom of the hat.
  • Paint the pants blue.
  • Glue all the pieces together.
  • Build the pedestal stand. Draw a circle on the cardboard and cut out with a pair of scissors. Glue to the bottom of your nutcracker to its pedestal.

You are done :)


Did you know?

Nutcrakers originated in the Erzgebirge mountains, a beautiful region located in Eastern Germany.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. As always, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to use the comment section below.

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How to make a Snowman Figurine from spun cotton balls – Winter Crafts DIY

DIY spun cotton snowman ornament

Check out our step by step tutorial and learn how you can make a snowman figurine with a few spun cotton balls.

DIY snowman figurine – materials

  • One 45mm diameter spun cotton ball for the body
  • One 30mm diameter ball for the head
  • Two 15mm diameter balls for the hands.
  • A glue gun or white tacky glue.
  • A pair of scissors.
  • Two black peppercorns for the eyes.
  • Orange foam pad for the nose (or a piece of cardboard painted orange).
  • A piece of cardboard to make a pedestal
  • A wood twig and a few pine needles to make the broom.
  • Optional : card stock paper and black paint to make the hat.
Snowman ornament DIY craft idea
ø 30 mm spun cotton ball

Step by step directions

1/ Glue the head and the two hands onto the body. If you would like to hang the snowman figurine as an ornament instead of displaying it on a pedestal, make sure to have the little hole in the head pointing up. You can then insert and glue a hanging loop in this hole.

Spun cotton ball ornament hook
You can buy hanging loops or make your own

2/ Glue the peppercorns onto the snowman’s face.

3/ Cut out the nose in the piece of foam pad and glue onto the snowman figurine.

4/ Glue your snowman onto its pedestal base so it can stand up on its own.

5/ Use the glue gun to make the miniature broom by gluing together the twig and the pine needles. Glue to the snowman’s hand.

You are done :)

You can use the same technique to create other Christmas figurines, here are a few project ideas that you can use for inspiration.

I hope you enjoyed this simple snowman figurine tutorial. Happy crafting and as always, do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions!