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How to make Green Alien Ornaments – Halloween DIY crafts:

Halloween alien ornaments DIY

Check out our tutorial and learn how you can make spooky and slimy alien ornaments from spun cotton peg doll blanks.

List of materials:

– 40mm tall spun cotton peg dolls. Each peg doll will make one alien ornament.

Blank peg dolls

Peg dolls all have a little hole at the bottom

– Green and black acrylic paint.

– A few bamboo sticks.

– A jar of glossy mod podge for the slimy look.

– Your choice of string to make the hanging loop.

Project directions:

Step 1: Insert a skewer in each of your peg dolls and paint them all green. Rest the skewers in a container while the dolls dry.

Step 2: Use the black paint and paint the eyes of the alien ornaments. Let dry. Make sure the ornaments don’t touch each other while they dry.

Step 3: keep your alien ornaments on their sticks and dunk them in the jar of glossy mod podge. Then find a place where you can rest the sticks in a perfectly vertical position while the mod podge dries. You can tape them to the edge of a counter for example (see picture below).

Step 4: Gently pull the sticks out of the alien ornaments by twisting and pulling.

Step 5: Tie a loop with a piece of string. Double the knot to enlarge it.

Step 6: insert the knot in the peg doll’s hole and push down with a bamboo skewer. Pour a little glue to secure the knot in the alien ornament. Let dry.


I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. You can also decorate your alien ornaments a little if you would like. Happy Crafting to all of you!

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